Inventory between Plentymarkets and Allegro is handled through Catalogues. To learn more about managing catalogues in general, please refer to this resource:
Allegro follows a systematic approach where different categories have varying structures and require different numbers of fields and attributes to be provided during item creation.
Catalogue Creation assistant you can find here:
Einrichtung » Assistenten » Plugins » {name of the plugin-set where you have the plugin installed} » Assistent für die Katalogerstellung.
Catalogue formats. #
In this step you will find 3 buttons:
Badge Katalog-Format #
Clicking this button allows you to create a Catalogue format for Allegro Badges.
For more information on Allegro Badges and how to use them, please refer to these resources:
Detailed instructions on how to use and set up the Allegro Badge Catalogue can be found in this section: [Provide the link to the relevant section].
How can I update category format catalogues? #
Clicking this button will update all existing Category catalogue formats with the latest values from Allegro, such as new brands, new return policies, and more.
Category Tree #
Clicking this button will update the existing Allegro categories tree on plentymarkets with new values from Allegro.
Initiate the creation of a Category catalogue. #
To create a new format for a specific Allegro category, you need to proceed to the second step and search for the category under which you would like to list your items.
The catalogue will be created with the name you provide in the “name” field. The selection will load the complete Allegro Category tree, including the last level of categories.
You can enter any phrase you want to search for, and the results will be filtered accordingly. For easier search, we have also included the Category ID at the beginning of the category path.
After you have found the category for which you wish to create a catalogue and provided a name, simply finalize the assistant, and the catalogue should be created. To check the created catalogues, navigate to Daten » Kataloge.